Investigazzjoni tas-sena / Investigation of the Year

  1. Herman Grech u Jacob Borg – Times of Malta – ‘Businessman is among Daphne murder suspects’ and follow up stories’
  2. Xarabank – Television Malta – ‘Investigazzjoni bi profil falz fuq facebook – il-periklu li hemm online għat-tfal u r-riskji li jeżistu’
  3. Lovin Malta – ‘Investigation on the arrest of Yorgen Fenech’

L-aktar Ġurnalist Promettenti tas-sena / Best Upcoming Journalist of the Year

  1. Julian Bonnici – Lovin Malta

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu stampat tas-sena fil-qasam ta’ aħbarijiet u ġrajjiet kurrenti / Best Print Journalism of the Year– News and Current Affairs

  1. Matthew Xuereb – Times of Malta – ‘Dangerous ceilings’ in most Mount Carmel Hospital wards’
  2. Kristina Abela – Times of Malta – ’22 children are facing eviction from Malta’
  3. Victor Vella – L-Orizzont – ‘Nathan Spiteri: Kont sirt inħobb lill-pedofelu li kien jabbużani’

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu awdjoviżiv tas-sena fil-qasam ta’ aħbarijiet u ġrajjiet / Best Audiovisual Journalism of the Year – News and Current Affairs

  1. Mario Micallef – Television Malta – ‘Leħen lill-priġunieri: “Is-sabiħ tagħna ma jissemma’ mkien . . . agħtuna ċans”
  2. Darrin Zammit Lupi – Reuters – ‘We are not fish : Migrants stranded at sea grow frustrated’
  3. Keith Demicoli – Television Malta – ‘Żagħżugħ Pollakk jgħodda b’waħda li għadu ħaj wara x-xebgħa selvaġġa li qala’ f’Paceville’

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu awdjoviżiv tas-sena fil-qasam ta’ filmat / Best Audiovisual Journalism of the Year – Footage

  1. Bernie Dimech – Net TV – ‘L-iżviluppi xokkanti li kienu qed iseħħu f’Kastilja, fil-lejl bejn 28 u 29 ta’ Novembru 2019’
  2. Darrin Zammit Lupi – Reuters – ‘Rioting migrants set several cars on fire at Hal Far Open Centre’
  3. Timothy Diacono – Lovin Malta – ‘The moment Adrian Delia and a group of PN politicians were accosted by Daphne Caruana Galizia’s sister Helene Asciak’

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu tas-sena fil-qasam radjofoniku jew podcast / Best Audio Journalism of the Year – Radio/Podcast

  1. George Cremona – Calypso 101.8 – ‘Il-bagalja ta’ Salvu ta’ Kemmuna’
  2. Andrew Azzopardi – Radju Malta – ‘A third of the Maltese population suffers from some degree of loneliness’

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu online tas-sena / Best Online Journalism of the Year

  1. Lovin Malta – ‘Live Blog – The aftermath of one of the most shocking days in Malta’s history and follow ups’
  2. Xarabank – Television Malta – ‘Titkellem l-‘Amerikana’ wara li dehret f’filmat taqla xeba’ bajd waqt bachelors’ party’
  3. Antonia Micallef – Television Malta – ‘X’jagħmel il-ftira differenti minn ħobż ieħor?’

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu fotografiku tas-sena fil-qasam ta’ aħbarijiet u ġrajjiet kurrenti / Best Photojournalism of the Year – News/Current Affairs

  1. Darrin Zammit Lupi – Reuters
  2. Jonathan Borg – Times of Malta
  3. Mark Zammit Cordina – Times of Malta

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu fotografiku tas-sena fil-qasam ġenerali / Best Photojournalism of the Year – Open

  1. Darrin Zammit Lupi – Reuters
  2. Jonathan Borg – Times of Malta
  3. Miguela Xuereb – Newsbook

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu sportiv tas-sena / Best Sport Journalism of the Year

  1. Charles Camenzuli – Net TV – ‘II-partecipazzjoni Maltija fl-Olimijadi fl-1928 – 1936 u fl-1948’
  2. Valhmor Camilleri – Times of Malta – ‘Malta Altus Challenge still on despite little progress in talks + follow up’
  3. Glen Falzon – Television Malta – ‘Syria Gżira FC – eżempju mill-aqwa ta’ diversità’

L-aqwa fotografija sportiva tas-sena / Best Sport Photography of the Year

  1. Domenic Aquilina – European Pressphoto Agency (EPA)
  2. Angie Conti – Freelance
  3. Darrin Zammit Lupi – Reuters

L-aqwa feature tas-sena / Best Feature of the Year

  1. Xarabank – Television Malta – ‘L-istorja dwar il-Qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia’
  2. Matthew Vella – Malta Today – ‘Where will it all dovetail?’ – revisiting the car bombs and murders that predate Caruana Galizia’s assassination’
  3.  Jon Mallia – Lovin Malta – ‘L-ispjega: Bejn Daphne u Yorgen x’inhi l-konnessjoni?’

L-aqwa ġurnaliżmu speċjalizzat tas-sena / Best Specialised Journalism of the Year

  1. Jonathan Cilia – Lovin Malta – ‘My Life is Pastizzi’
  2. Noel D’Anastas – Il-Mument – ‘Issa li ż-żmien kien inbidel… Id-divertiment mużikali fis-Snin Sittin u Sebgħin + follow up’
  3. CVC – Television Malta – ‘Malta u lil hinn Minnha’

L-aqwa artiklu ta’ opinjoni jew editorjal tas-sena / Best Opinion Article/Editorial of the Year

  1. Jon Mallia – Lovin Malta – ‘Lil Malta’
  2. Iggy Fenech – Newsbook – ‘Dear Racists, You’re Luckier not Better’
  3.  Andrew Azzopardi – The Malta Independent – ‘Mental health: 50 important facts’

L-aqwa storja ta’ interess uman tas-sena / Best Human Interest Story of the Year

  1. Diana Cacciatolo – Times of Malta – ‘Migrant rescued from dinghy was the ‘sole survivor of 15’
  2. Xarabank – Television Malta – ‘Tixtieq tiżżewweġ ħabsi u mhux iħaluha’
  3. Jonathan Farrugia – Television Malta – ‘How victims of the Nazi Holocaust were transported to Auschwitz’

L-aqwa cartoon tas-sena / Best Cartoon of the Year

  1. Steve Bonello – Times of Malta
  2. The Malta Independent
  3. Steve Bonello – Times of Malta

L-aqwa użu tal-Lingwa Maltija fil-Ġurnaliżmu Miktub / Best use of Maltese Language in Written Journalism

  1. Fiorella Pace – Television Malta

L-aqwa użu tal-Lingwa Maltija fil-Ġurnaliżmu Miktub / Best use of Maltese Language in Written Journalism

  1. Jon Mallia – Lovin Malta

Gold Award – Peppi Azzopardi