Become a Member: Subscribe Online

Member Benefits:

Once a member of the Malta Sports Journalists Association, the individual will have the right to cast his vote at the Annual National Sport Awards – Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali.

Fully paid members will also be able to attend and cast their vote in the Annual General Meeting as well as be eligible to contest for a position on the Executive Committee.

Members will also receive a membership card valid for one year from January to December which gives access to most local sport events although some Associations might have in place a different independent accreditation system like for example the Malta Football Association.

The Malta SJA also organises a number of activities open solely for its members including job shadowing opportunities overseas and regular seminars held in Malta with the participation of several foreign media professional colleagues.

The Malta SJA also helps to protect its members if the need arises from social media harassment, unjust criticism or any other intimidation from the general public, or Sports officials and administrators.

Malta SJA members are also entitled to the following services:

– Representing the specific interest and lobbying on issues that affect one’s workplace
– Guidance on EU sports media related funds, Incentives and job shadowing opportunities
– Free Access to physical and online information sessions, masterclasses, conferences throughout the year;
– Access to dedicated Sports related Networking events;
– Expert advice on all aspects of Human Resources
– Single information point and resourceful source of information on sports media
– Free initial legal advice.
– Matching with interns and trainees
– Job Shadowing opportunities
– One off international events opportunities

The Association has also a Sports photography sub committee to deal with issues related with this sector.

All members are to abide by proper ethics and bear in mind that their actions reflect on the Association.

New members need to: 1. Provide a proof of work in the Sports media and 2. provide a recommendation letter to be addressed to the Executive Committee of the Malta SJA clearly stating the reason why they want to become members of the Association.