Malta Sports Journalists Association

8 05, 2017

L-MFA tibqa’ siekta wara l-inċident li kien involut fih ġurnalist

By |May 8th, 2017|0 Comments

Stqarrija għall-Istampa illum 8 ta’ Mejju 2017    L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports turi d-diżaprovazzjoni tagħha għal-fatt li wara tlett ijiem mill-inċident li fih kien involut ġurnalist tal-iSport, l-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Football baqgħet siekta dwar dan il-każ u l-anqas biss ħarġet stqarrija ta’ kundanna u solidarjeta’ ma’ dan il-ġurnalist li jirraporta regolarment il-kompetizzjonijiet tal-MFA.   L-Inċident seħħ nhar il-Ġimgħa fil-Hiberbians Stadium, meta membru tal-kumitat ta’ Birkirkara FC intimida u hedded lil dan il-ġurnalist. Il-każ qed ikun investigat mill-Pulizija. […]

17 02, 2017

Photographic exhibition by local Sports Journalists Association

By |February 17th, 2017|0 Comments

  The Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports (Sports Journalists Association) has announced that it will be organising a photographic exhibition with the collaboration of ILab Photo. Some of the best local sports photographers will be taking part in the exhibition, which is being held under the patronage of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Angelo Farrugia. It is being held at Parliament House in Valletta between Tuesday 21st  February and Wednesday 8th  March. Seventy five photos are being exhibited. They were all taken by 11 photographers who are all members of the Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports (GħGS). The photos cover several disciplines and local and international sports events during the past months or years. […]

25 08, 2016

Executive meets Gozo Minister in sister island

By |August 25th, 2016|Comments Off on Executive meets Gozo Minister in sister island

The Executive Committee of the Għaqda Gurnalisti Sports (The Malta Sports Journalists Association) held the first meeting of the last year of its current administration on the Maltese island of Gozo. This was the second time in the last three years that the committee decided to hold a one-day activity in Gozo during which some courtesy calls were made on sporting entities in the sister island. This initiative was specifically taken see how the GhGS can help in giving better coverage to sporting activities in Gozo and also to try and find ways and means of how to entice more persons in the sister island to become more involved in sports journalism. In a meeting with Dr Anton Refalo, Minister for Gozo, he expressed his appreciation of the Association’s interest in sports in Gozo. He promised his support through the Gozo Sports Board following a [...]

24 10, 2015

Maltese Journalists attend Job Shadowing Sessions at Sky Sport Italia

By |October 24th, 2015|Comments Off on Maltese Journalists attend Job Shadowing Sessions at Sky Sport Italia

Five Malta Sports Journalists Association members have successfully undertaken a three day Job Shadowing experience in the Sky Sports 24 newsroom in Milan, Italy. The opportunity was offered by the Executive Committee of the MSJA in an effort to expose more local sports journalists to the international scenario. Commenting on this experience Sandro Micallef General Secretary of the MSJA who was leading the Maltese group said: “This was simply an unforgettable experience, we had the opportunity to meet in person Sky Sport Italia’s familiar faces, colleagues with whom we exchanged experiences”. […]

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