
2 03, 2024

Clayton Castaldi and Tenishia Thornton shine bright at the 64th edition of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |March 2nd, 2024|0 Comments

The winners of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali were announced on Saturday evening during a live transmission aired on TVMSport+ as well as on the Malta Sports Journalists Association’s Facebook page. The 64th edition final night started with the Red Carpet hosted by Malta Sports Journalists Association’s General Secretary Lorraine Cunningham and Chris Falzon. Guest speakers during this event included the Minister responsible for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Hon. Clifton Grima and Sandro Micallef, President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association. Those present were also honoured with the  presence of AIPS Europe President Charles Camenzuli. This annual awards ceremony was organised by the Malta Sports Journalists Association and supported by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation. During the live show hosted by Clinton Buhagiar and Janice Briffa, a total of 12 honours were announced, seven of which were a result of the votes by the [...]

1 03, 2024

Għada ssir l-64 edizzjoni tal-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |March 1st, 2024|0 Comments

Ninsabu ftit sigħat biss 'il bogħod mill-edizzjoni ta' din is-sena tal-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali organizzati mill-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports. Fil-fatt, għada s-Sibt se ssir l-64 edizzjoni li se tkun qed tixxandar diretta fuq TVMSport+ mit-tmienja ta' filgħaxija 'il quddiem. Għal din is-sena se jingħataw b'kollox 12 -il unur li huma: Sportiv tas-Sena Sportiva tas-Sena Żagħżugħ tas-Sena Żagħżugħa tas-Sena Uffiċjal tas-Sena Kowċ tas-Sena Tim tas-Sena People’s Choice Award li din is-sena huwa b'100% sms televoting li jagħlaq għada s-Sibt f'nofsinhar Avveniment Internazzjonali tas-Sena li seħħ f'Malta u żewġ rikonoxximent lill-Atleti ta’ Special Olympics Sport for Social Change Award, li huwa unur ġdid li beda jingħata minn din l-edizzjoni Fis-serata mistennija jiddaħħlu żewġ membri ġodda fil-Hall of Fame tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport, lill-żewġ ġurnalisti sportivi li taw kontribut kbir tul is-snin. Is-serata tibda permezz ta' xandira diretta mid-Dragonara Point Ballroom tal-Lukanda Westin Dragonara b'intervisti mir-Red Carpet immexxija minn Chris Falzon u Lorraine Cunningham. Il-preżentazzjoni [...]

1 03, 2024

Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali – 64th edition set for tomorrow

By |March 1st, 2024|0 Comments

The excitement is palpable as we gear up for the 64th edition of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali organised by the Malta Sports Journalists Association. This highly anticipated event will be broadcast live tomorrow on TVMSport+ as of 20:00 hrs. The following 12 awards for this edition are: Sportsman of the Year Sportswoman of the Year Youth Man Athlete of the Year Youth Woman Athlete of the Year Official of the Year Coach of the Year Team of the Year People’s Choice Award which this year is 100% sms voting and ends on Saturday 2nd March at noon The International Event held in Malta and two recognitions to Special Olympics Athletes (Man and Woman) Sport for Social Change Award, which is introduced this year The awards ceremony will include two new members in the Malts Sports Journalists Association's Hall of Fame to two sports journalists for their sterling contribution throughout [...]

29 02, 2024

Ir-raba’ TGS Fair Play Award għas-sena 2023 imur għand George Muscat

By |February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports bi pjaċir tħabbar li r-raba’ unur għas-sena 2023 tat-TGS Fair Play Award, ġie mogħti lil George Muscat. Dan l-unur ikopri l-perjodu bejn Ottubru u Diċembru 2023. Lejn tmiem it-tieni tiġrija li saret fil-Malta Equidrome nhar il-5 ta' Novembru 2023, seħħ incident li ħafna ma ndunawx bih. Id-debba Capuchin misjuqa miż-żagħżugħ Clint Gauci, inqalgħatilha r-ras li bil-konsegwenza ma setax jikkontrollaha. Li kieku ma kinitx għall-azzjoni f’waqtha ta’ George Muscat li nduna x’kien qed jiġri, seta’ ġie ikkawżat incident serju. Fil-fatt George Muscat li kien biż-żiemel Boom Boom Becker, meta ra dak li kien qiegħed iseħħ, saq viċin biżżejjed sabiex seta’ jaqbad lid-debba minn rasha u jwaqqafha u għalhekk ġie evitat kwalunkwe inċident. Edward Licari, Direttur ta’ Together Gaming Solutions irrimarka li l-ġest f’waqthu ta’ George Muscat sabiex jgħin lill-kompetitur tiegħu waqt it-tiġrija huwa sinjal ċar ta’ sportività u altruwiżmu fl-aqwa tagħhom. Il-preżentazzjoni tat-TGS Fair Play Award [...]

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