The Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) proudly takes note of the remarkable result of its esteemed member, Joanna Camilleri, who has secured a remarkable 10th place in the European ranking for the VIDEO ATHLETE PROFILE category at the prestigious AIPS Sport Media Awards 2023. Her audiovisual feature about Filip Filipovic, one of the greatest water polo players of all time, was broadcast on the Public Broadcasting Services’ TV station TVMsport+ during the programme Swim Up.

The AIPS Sport Media Awards are a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence in sports journalism, and Joanna Camilleri’s recognition is a testament to her exceptional storytelling abilities, her keen eye for detail, and her unwavering passion for sports.

Ms. Camilleri’s achievement not only reflects her individual talent but also underscores the calibre and expertise of our esteemed members within the Malta Sports Journalists Association. This achievement also encourages those who are considering starting a career in the sports media sector and also, she is an example for prospective women young reporters. As an organization dedicated to promoting excellence and innovation in sports journalism, MSJA takes immense pride in Joanna Camilleri’s success, which further solidifies our association’s reputation on the global stage.

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