The Malta Sports Journalists Association (Malta SJA) refers to the article published earlier today (not sports related) in the local newspaper, In-Nazzjon entitled ‘Ma’ Alicia Bugeja ma’ taħdimx’ in the edition of Tuesday 3rd October 2023.

While the Malta Sports Journalists Association believes and is always in favour of freedom of expression, it will never accept that its members are personally attacked by other journalists.

In the previously mentioned article, Mr Mark Attard who is still active in the sports media sector with regular commentaries on PBS’ sport channel, was attributed a phrase that the Malta Sports Journalists Association sees as contemptuous and deplorable.

The Malta Sports Journalists Association will always remain in favour of free and investigative journalism and will never be involved in issues related to partisan politics. Nevertheless, the Association will never allow that its members are personally attacked and ridiculed.

In the meantime, the Malta Sports Journalists Association is demanding an immediate apology and clarification with regards to this incident and reserves the right to take further actions.