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So far Sandro has created 187 blog entries.
17 06, 2019

53 finalists in the 29th edition of the Malta Journalism Awards

By |June 17th, 2019|0 Comments

The Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) announced the names of the 53 finalists who reached the final stage among the record number of 128 submissions for the Malta Journalism Awards. This is the 29th consecutive edition that the Institute of Maltese Journalists is organising. Over the years, this competition has grown and in this year's edition there are 19 categories. Several leading institutions and companies sponsor the Malta Journalism Awards year after year. Among these are the Broadcasting Authority, The Farsons Foundation, the Malta Tourism Authority, AX Hotels, Britannia Services Limited, the Good Causes Fund, the Malta Gaming Authority, the Malta Public Transport, Wasteserv, the Malta Information Technology Agency and Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti. For the first time this year; the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youths, Sport and Voluntary Organisations has joined the above sponsors to support and assist in the organisation of these prestigious awards. The jury of this edition [...]

27 05, 2019

Kungress f’għeluq il-110 Anniversarju tal-għaqda ġurnalisti sport tal-Ungerija

By |May 27th, 2019|0 Comments

F’kungress li sar f’Budapest fi tmiem il-ġimgħa, f’għeluq il-110 Anniversarju tal-għaqda ġurnalisti sport tal-Ungerija, Malta pparteċipat u kienet attiva matul it-tliet ijiem. Waħda mill-attivitajiet li saru kienet il-konferenza bl-isem ‘Empowering women in Sport and Media’. Kienu bosta personalitajiet interessanti li qasmu l-esperjenza tagħhom bħala eks atleti femminili kif ukoll bħala ġurnalisti sportivi nisa li għadhom attivi fil-pajjiżi differenti. Fosthom tkellmet Karoline Zobernig ġurnalista mill-Awstrija u nominata bħala l-aqwa ġurnalista sportiva fl-Awstrija. Hija sostnit dwar l-importanza li n-nisa jitkellmu bil-vuċi tagħhom u jingħataw spazju li jgħidu u jistaqsu dak li jixtiequ fil-programmi sportivi. Mill-Uganda tkellmet Ritah Aliguma personalità pjuttost popolari fl-amministrazzjoni tal-Midja Sportiva fl-istess pajjiż. Hija wkoll mara li qiegħda taħdem u tgħin fl-iżvilupp tal-isport kif ukoll għad-drittijiet tan-nisa fl-Afrika permezz ta’ The Aliguma Foundation. Tkellmet ukoll Adrienn Csepely ġurnalista sportiva fl-Ungerija kif ukoll membru fil-kummissjoni tan-nisa tal-futbol. Saħqet dwar l-importanza li n-nisa fl-isport ikunu dejjem kburin b’dak li jwettqu fil-qasam [...]

30 04, 2019

Courtesy visit by the Institute of Maltese Journalists to H.E. George Vella, President of Malta

By |April 30th, 2019|0 Comments

The Council of the Institute of Maltese Journalists had a courtesy meeting with H.E. George Vella, President of Malta at the Palace, Valletta. In his introductory comments, IGM chairman Yannick Pace congratulated Mr Vella on his appointment as President earlier this month. Mr Pace state that IĠM is committed in bringing people within the media sector together while promoting the best ethical and other journalistic practices. IĠM’s Chairman said that the Institute will be implementing an international code of ethics that shall be ratified by all journalistic associations within the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) during the latter’s annual congress in June. In his inaugural speech, President Vella emphasised the need for the country to work towards national unity, a sentiment the IĠM wholeheartedly agrees with. The institute believes that this should also apply to the media. While it is to be expected and encouraged for various organisations to have [...]

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